Meet Suzie

Who am I?

I believe that all of us are on a journey of discovery. My journey began as a clinician in the NHS working with the body. I soon became aware that life, in all its colourful chaos significantly impacts the mind, body and soul. Separating mind from body and from spirit is all too common in the western world. In reality we are complex, diverse organisms with every cell existing in connection. In addition, we live in diverse societies, in relationship with multiple other beings who also impact our sense of belonging, safety and wellbeing.

My perspective on wellness encompasses a healthy mind, a nourished and cared for physical body and a sense of spiritual meaning and purpose.

My interest in holistic health and wellness has evolved throughout my career. I believe everyone deserves to feel healthy and happy; finding a way to release pain, regrets and the “what if’s” and move towards a future of wholeness, acceptance and fulfilment. I am passionate about social equality, always striving to have a nonjudgemental, curious approach to every client’s story.

The human experience is challenging, painful and sometimes heartbreaking. However, with support, an open heart and mind, together with a supportive, collaborative therapeutic experience everyone can find their inner spark and begin to shine their light into the world. Healing takes courage, so be brave and take that next step on your personal journey towards a brighter future.

“Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step in your life”

Steve Maraboli